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Lewis Andrews, 2020

To continue our Interview Series, offering an insight into artists’ practices whilst under lockdown restrictions, we interviewed Lewis Andrews to see how he has adapted and if these unprecedented times have inspired further development.

1- Who are you? Introduce yourself

Lewis Andrews is a Fine Artist and photographer based in Leeds, United Kingdom. He is a 2019 graduate of Leeds Arts University and has had work displayed in exhibitions up and down the United Kingdom. In 2019, Lewis’s work was selected to be part of the Aon Community Art Awards programme and has since been featured in a selection of publications. Lewis Andrews will be commencing a master’s in fine art back at Leeds Arts University towards the end of 2020.

2- What is your artistic practice?- What drove you to work as you are now? How has this been impacted by lockdown restrictions and the pandemic?

Lewis’ work specialises in dealing with complex thoughts, ideas and facts within nature and science. Some explore those in which we seem to be overshadowed and overpowered in comparison by the vast distances, size or quantities. Others investigate moments of extreme power, creation and rebirth on a molecular scale or on a scale comparable to that of the universe. Questioning our relationships, place and role within the universe, environment and natural spaces. Artwork examples that investigate ideas stretching across the furthest reaches of the cosmos would be the Origins and Carbon Drawings works. Looking a little closer to home would be my artwork 68 Million along with several works from my photography collections.

As someone who deals primarily in nature and science, adjusting to the current pandemic playing out across our planet has been by no means an easy adjustment. However, with the intent of protecting others, I decided to concentrate on the materials and resources I have close to hand at home. Elements of my practice have been temporarily postponed such as traveling across the country for photography work and various installations. However, with my studio at this point in time being within my home, I had the majority of my practice close to hand and was able to work for the most part uninterrupted. In fact, if anything, being furloughed from my day job working in a pub meant even more time could be spent focusing on my practice.

3- What are you currently working on? (virtual exhibitions, creative movements, collaborative projects, maintaining production of work)

I’m currently working on a few different areas of my artistic practice. Since the end of lockdown, I’ve turned my attention back to practical work. I feel for the time being it will take a while for opportunities in the art world to get back into full swing. So, for the time being I feel it’s a great opportunity to be making new work. My carbon drawings are one body of work I’m looking into expanding upon to include carbon-based life subjects.

At the same time, I’m researching deeper into my ideas across all my artworks in the hopes of expanding upon those artworks and also possibly come across a new area of interest that could lead to the creation of new work.

4- What is next? – How, if at all, has this pandemic inspired further progression?

I would say that the next big step forward in my art practice will be the start of my MA in Fine Art in September at Leeds Arts University. I decided I wanted to go back and undertake an MA around mid-January back at Leeds Arts University where I studied on my bachelor’s degree.  Fortunately, COVID & and lockdown haven’t affected the enrolment and interview process which all took place online from home. So, before I start my MA I want to be more connected with my practice than I have ever been.

Once everything starts fully reopening and exhibitions start to pop here and there, I have some wonderful artworks from lockdown I would like to display and so getting them ready for when that time comes is another long-term goal of mine. Until then, spending a lot of time at home will provide me with a lot of time for experimenting and creating new work.


5- Where can we find you? Extra projects you are working on, social media, website, exhibitions you will be in, etc.

You can find and contact me through my website and Instagram account, both shown below.

Website –

Instagram – @lewis_andrews_art

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